Law Office of Springer & Kelly, P.C.

Tracy Kelly

Tracy Kelly

Partner & President of the Law Office of Springer & Kelly, P.C. Tracy earned her BA from Susquehanna University in Philosophy with a minor in Environmental Science. Then, Tracy attended Vermont Law School and graduated with a Masters of Environmental Law and Policy and her Juris Doctor Degree in 2011.

For the past 10 years, Tracy has concentrated and become well practiced in the areas of Estate Planning, Probate Law and Procedure, and Real Estate Law. She helps clients create an estate plan including Last Wills & Testaments, Powers of Attorney, Advance Directives, Enhanced Life Estate Deeds, and Trusts. Tracy works closely with clients in order to hone in on their specific needs regarding estate planning.

*Tracy Kelly is NOT licensed to provide investment advisory services or affiliated with Advisory Alpha, LLC. or Ascutney Financial Group. Each firm is responsible for the services it provides. Ascutney Financial Group does not provide legal advice.

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